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基礎部 劉思齊


  1. 構(gòu)建人類命運共同體,不是以一種制度代替另一種制度,不是以一種文明代替另一種文明,而是不同社會制度、不同意識形態(tài)、不同歷史文化、不同發(fā)展水平的國家在國際事務中利益共生、權利共享、責任共擔。To build a global community of shared future is to pursue openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit, equity and justice. The goal is not to replace one system or civilization with another. Instead, it is about countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories, cultures and levels of development coming together to promote shared interests, shared rights, and shared responsibilities in global affairs.

  l 解析:這里的漢英互譯就是典型的非原字原詞原句的“非直線型翻譯”,甚至還加入了適量的邏輯調(diào)整。這種“非直線型翻譯”對于應對四六級等考試非常具有借鑒價值:重構(gòu)第二語言的思維絕不是呆板的一一對應。英語部分通過先明確什么是人類命運共同體的目標(即追求,這里用到了《新視野大學英語第四版》第一單元的新詞pursue),繼而進一步否定不屬于人類命運共同體的偏見與誤解,完整詮釋了種種不同之下仍然可以求同存異,共謀發(fā)展的宏偉目標。本小節(jié)值得大家記憶的詞組包括但不限于:構(gòu)建人類命運共同體:build a global community of shared future;利益共生、權利共享、責任共擔shared interests, shared rights, and shared responsibilities.

  2. 建設一個持久和平的世界,就是告別戰(zhàn)爭之劍,永鑄和平之犁;We should build a world of l asting peace through dialogue and consultation. It means beating the swords of war into the plowshares of peace. 建設一個普遍安全的世界,就是告別絕對安全,實現(xiàn)安危與共;We should build a world of common security for all through joint efforts. It means turning absolute security for one into common security for all. 建設一個共同繁榮的世界,就是告別贏者通吃,共享發(fā)展成果;We should build a world of common prosperity through win-win cooperation. It means bidding farewell to the winner-takes-all mindset and sharing development achievements. 建設一個開放包容的世界,就是告別文明優(yōu)越,實現(xiàn)美美與共;We should build an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual learning. It means bidding farewell to the mindset that one civilization is superior to another and starting to appreciate the strengths of other civilizations. 建設一個清潔美麗的世界,就是告別竭澤而漁,永享綠水青山。We should make our world clean and beautiful by pursuing green and low-carbon development. It means bidding farewell to the destructive exploitation of resources and preserving and enjoying the lush mountains and lucid waters.

  l 解析:這一小節(jié)在寫作中應用了排比的修辭模式,利用五個“建設”和五個“告別”,強有力地再次樹立了構(gòu)建人類命運共同體的愿景。從“和平”探討到“安全”,繼而是“繁榮”“開放”和“環(huán)保”,不可不謂面面俱到、由點及面。本小節(jié)值得大家記憶的詞組包括但不限于:安危與共common security for all through joint efforts;告別竭澤而漁,永享綠水青山It means bidding farewell to the destructive exploitation of resources and preserving and enjoying the lush mountains and lucid waters.




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